Kellyanne Conway May Have P*ssed Off the Wrong Trump

In the wake of Kellyanne Conway’s infomercial ethics scandal, the White House’s Counselor to the President has been quick to point out Trump has her back and more importantly, she has Trump’s ear.
“I’m just really happy that I spent a lot of time with the president of the United States this afternoon and that he supports me 100%,” Conway told Fox News.
Then when asked about what she and Trump talked about, she restated how much POTUS supports her.
“We spoke about a range of matters, and he supports me 100%,” she said. “In fact, it was a very heartening moment. All I can say to America’s women is, at some point in our life you ought to have a boss who that treated me the way that the president of the United States treated me today.”
Yet now, POLITICO is reporting that while President Trump may be fine with Conway using airtime to hawk his daughter’ brand, Trump’s first daughter may not be as thrilled.
POLITICO reports:
In her attempt to do Trump’s bidding, she [Conway] may have crossed one of the people closer to Trump than herself — Ivanka Trump. A source close to Trump said that his daughter scolded Conway for dragging her brand into an ethics mess and told her not to mention it again on TV. This was a continuation of a conversation that Ivanka Trump had with her father weeks earlier about leaving her business out of the politics, that Conway wasn’t aware of.
Irritating Trump’s favored child, the one he tweeted about being “so proud of” just yesterday and in the infamous Nordstrom tweet cooed, “is always pushing me to do the right thing,” may not be a wise move.
It is rumored that former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski ran afoul of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner shortly before he was fired.
Lewandowski, by the way, once thought Trump had his back too, but that didn’t stop Lewandowski from being barred from the Inauguration VIP section and winding up sans any posh White House or DC gig post falling from Ivanka and Jared’s grace. SOURCE
Kellyanne Conway May Have P*ssed Off the Wrong Trump Kellyanne Conway May Have P*ssed Off the Wrong Trump Reviewed by Unknown on février 20, 2017 Rating: 5